Tag Archives: family

Claire Bear is turning 1!

Hi my lovely readers! Hope your week is going well so far. Today, I come to you with some shots of Claire that I took a couple of days ago. I can’t believe that on the 19th she will be one years old! It seems like she just arrived!

Claire on quilt 2

I loved using this vintage yo-yo quilt as my backdrop! It’s like a field of multi-colored flowers. :)

claire on quilt 3

I shot these upstairs in the hallway where we have a skylight directly overhead. It gave me great even, natural light.

claire on quilt 5

claire on quilt 6  claire sit up 1

claire sit up 2

claire sit up 3

She is actually wearing her sisters tank top…so she is swimming in it but I love the lace edges and it happened to be within reach so I figured, what the heck?

claire sit up 4

This one is a bit blurry so forgive me but I had to include it because…well…that grin is just too cute!

claire big smile

I will be sure to capture more photos at her birthday party!

Much love to you all!




Filed under Baby, family, photography, vintage

Eight Months Old

Hello! How is your week going? My online class is going well and I’m very inspired to continue improving my blog. The family is well, healthy and happy. Life is good…but I gotta say…I’m not sure if it’s all the rain or what but this week has been hard for me. Major doses of self doubt, feelings of apathy and guilt. A desire to be left alone. Super duper irritability – so sorry my sweet family. I’m not sure what’s up with me. Often when we shift we go through an uncomfortable passage, a place of resistance…maybe that’s where I am at. You see, I have lots of new plans. A multitude of ideas and projects that I want to begin. Goals I want to accomplish. Yet all of a sudden I feel heavy and unsure. Last week, I was full of inspiration and energy. What gives? I guess it’s just a funk. Anyhow…enough grumbling. I try to limit that on my blog but for some reason I just needed to share that with you. I have no right to be sad, no reason to be down…but yet I am…and there you have it.


How about some cute baby pictures? They always make me smile. I captured these the other day. Little Miss is eight months old now and is turning into quite the character.

headband1 touch up

Bubbly, loud and rather demanding. Claire is turning out to be very different to my quiet and shy little Grace.

headband2 touch up

She seems to love the camera and lights up when I take her picture. What a ham…

headband smile touch up

But soon she was over it. She pulled off the headband and laid back on the pillow as if to say, “I’m spent!”

laying down touch up

Have a wonderful rest of the week!



Filed under Art, Baby, family, photography

My little Muse

Hello there! I know I had promised to share with you the other photos that I took of Grace but it’s been a little crazy around here lately. An emotional 1st grader and a teething six month old has made life rather interesting to say the least! But, all is well and I finally have a quiet moment to see the shots that Grace helped art direct.

I gotta say, I couldn’t have been more proud, when I noticed that Grace was paying attention to the light and composing the idea for her portraits. She was very particular and wanted to see the shot before we went on to the next. Adjusting her hair or holding her feather a touch more to the right. I just love it when we can actively collaborate on a creative project together. It doesn’t happen much anymore, unfortunately. I hope that as little Claire gets less needy we can all spend more time being artistic.

Okay…here she is…

my muse edit 1 with texture

angel girl edit1

The next set, she wanted taken in front of her window because she thought the light was all “glowy”. Seated at her new writing desk she announced, “I am going to pretend that I’m about to write a poem with this feather pen, like they used to in the old days.”  Such a romantic already, like her momma. :)

angel3 edit1

angel2 edit1

angel edit1

Hope you enjoy these. On another note, I just signed up for the next online art course, by none other than the fabulous, Jeanne Oliver. Go here to check it out here.

Have a wonderful rest of the week.



Filed under photography

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year friends! Hope you all enjoyed the holiday season. We had a very merry time with family and friends but now it’s time to switch gears and get back to work! To be honest, it’s always bittersweet for me. Taking down the Christmas decorations, the twinkling lights and all the pretty trimmings of the season makes me a touch sad. Mostly, I think, because my family leaves and heads back to Montana and the house seems drab after all that glitter and shine.

So, to quickly beat the blues, I decided to do a sisterly photo shoot of my girls today. We have been blessed with crisp, cold days full of bright sunshine (very odd for Portland this time of year) so I figured I better make the best of it. The piles of laundry sat waiting while, Claire, Grace and I played in the gorgeous light. Grace even got into the art direction. She would notice the light change and say “Quick mom, you are losing the light!” Too cute! She directed some shots that I took of her…which I will share with you tomorrow.

So here they are…my six year old and my six month old. Sisters and hopefully, one day, best friends.

Grace and Claire edit1

6 months old edit1

claire bear 6 mos old edit1

feather1 edit

feather2 edit

feather3 edit

six months old 3 edit

six months old2 edit

How has your New Year so far? Any goals or aspirations you want to share? Me? I want to cook more, read more and exercise more!

Have a beautiful Thursday!

Much love to all!


P.S. For those of you who are wondering…I am using Photoshop to edit my photos in addition to Rad Lab. I’m in love with Rad Lab! :) It’s a bit of an investment but so worth it and you can try it out for free.


Filed under Art, Baby, family, photography, Thoughts