Parisian Sweets at Ladurée

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On the second day of my trip to Paris, we met up with my friend and she escorted us to the famous Ladurée bakery for a decadent afternoon of tea and macarons! This is no ordinary bakery.

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This is home to the original Paris macaron – those treasured confectionery creations, done in a rainbow of beautiful colors and inventive flavors.

Check out this lovely little video to get into a Ladurée mood…

With a line out the door for the bakery counter we slipped on by the crowds and were seated in their tea room. Decked out in shades of pistachio green with accents of red and an overall Chinoiserie theme, we were served with silver tea pots and pastel hued cups. I managed to capture a few images before we devoured our treats…

Unable to decide which macarons to order, we let our waitress bring an assortment…aren’t they lovely?

Delicious too! Being pregnant, I ate more than everyone. It was only fair that the baby get her fair share of these Parisian delights, right? I think the salted caramel one was my favorite but it was a close call with the raspberry…



Filed under Food, Paris, photography, Stories, Travel

11 responses to “Parisian Sweets at Ladurée

  1. love laduree, almost as much as april in paris! more pictures please- your blog is like a virtual vacation

  2. Cathy Garrett

    Ivy, thank you for sharing your pic’s. They are beautiful. It makes me want to go to Paris.

  3. I really love Ladurée!

  4. beautiful & magical! looking forward to more lovely photos of your dream vacation!

  5. so dreamy and magical! I am going to Paris for the first time, for the month of June! I can’t wait. Love your pictures!

  6. What did you wear on your trip? I’m going next month and have NO CLUE what to pack!

    • Hi Vicki,
      I know I felt the same way! I had heard no jeans, no sneakers…and I’m a jean girl so I freaked out. But the reality is Parisian’s wear jeans all the time. While I was there I lived in my skinny jeans, flats or boots, a cute maternity top and a black cardigan. I wore a light weight pretty scarf daily. The Parisian’s love their scarves and it instantly made my outfit feel pulled together. I wore mostly neutral colors with the main pop of color coming from my scarves. The French are elegant but understated. Comfortable, yet not ugly shoes are key and can be tricky to find so start looking now if you don’t own a pair or two. I was lucky…it was warm so I was able to wear a cute pair of black walking sandals most of the time. Definitely pack layers…the mornings can be cool. We hit a perfect 10 days of sun and mild weather without a drop of rain. It was a miracle! Have fun and let me know if you have any more questions! ;) xo.

      • Thank you so much for the ideas!! I was just talking to my mom about it this morning. I might have to raid her scarf stash! I like that visual. and I definitely need a new black cardigan or jacket.

        My 3 year old watched the little video from Laduree and was literally licking her lips at the end! She asked me, “Mommy – when other people go to heaven, are you going to go to Paris?” :o) Yes, Baby Girl, I sure hope so.

  7. Lovely pics and the video is amazing! I wish I was in Paris right now! I miss it! :) Congrats on the baby*

  8. Keri

    One of our favorite photos is of my partner & I having tea & macarons at Laduree. Did you get to try the Ispahan? We got a kick out of how popular Converse sneakers are in Paris. We played a game to see how many we counted at different intervals. 5 sightings in 1 minute in St. Germain! I love your photos!

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