Category Archives: Blog Boss

Blog Design Mood board

Hi friends. How is your day going? So far so good over here. I’ve already done my homework for my Blog boss e-course, which I’m excited to share with you. We were assigned to make a dream blog design mood board. I started it yesterday and could not stop till it was done. I’m so excited to be actively  re-designing the blog and finally making the transition over to a Don’t worry, I will let you know when it happens so we don’t lose track of each other. It’s time for Gracy & Ivy to graduate to a new level. So here’s my mood board…

Dream blog mood board

Let me know your thoughts. Nothing is set in stone at the moment and I may even make another board to play around with some more ideas and different colors.

Have a lovely Wednesday!




Filed under Blog Boss, mood boards, News, photography, Thoughts

8 Blogs to adore & explore

Hi there! This week was a bit of a doozy. It started off okay, but by Tuesday I had a fever and was in bed with a bad cold. Ick. However, due to much positive thinking, excessive amounts of Vitamin C, Chinese herbs (recommended by my acupuncturist) and lots of rest…I managed to rally and was back on my feet yesterday. I was still under the weather, but managing to take care of Claire and get some housework done. Today, I’m much better, thankfully, because the hubby and I are heading out tomorrow for a weekend in Oregon wine country – sans kids! So excited!

Anyways…on to today’s post (which is also some homework for my Decor 8 Blog Boss e-course). I wanted to share with you 8 beautiful blogs to adore and explore! All eight blogs are well organized, easy to read and of course, provide plenty of eye candy, original and authentic content and creative ideas!

Odessa May Society

Authored by Jennifer Prince, this elegant blog is so lovely. Jennie has a beautiful sense of style and is a very talented photographer – capturing sweet, simple moments of her life with her precious daughter. Her curated products, images and diy guides are always a treat!




all images via Odessy May Society


Lobster & Swan

A stunning and inspiring blog from the UK. Authored by Jeska, this gorgeous blog goes from fashion to interiors to crafting with all sorts of creative imagery, personal Instagram shots and diy ideas. This is one of my favorites and is sure to brighten your day. Don’t miss this one.




all images via Lobster & Swan


Inspired by Annetta

Annetta is one of my fellow students in the Blog Boss e-course and I just discovered her stunning blog! Her photography is drop dead gorgeous and although this a new blog to me, I can tell it is going to be one I visit regularly. Her creativity and inspirational work is contagious and as a new photographer myself, I can only aspire to create such beauty. Go explore her images and get ready to ooooh and ahhh! ;)




all images via Inspired by Annetta


pia jane bijkerk

This blog has been a long time favorite. Pia is a mother, photographer, stylist and author and has lived and traveled around the world collecting inspiration and capturing beauty everywhere she goes. Her authentic style is seen in all that she touches and her books are treasures on my shelf. While she is taking a short break from the blog presently, there is still plenty to explore from her extensive history of past posts. Her books are a must for those who adore handmade, travel and beautiful things.

 pjb_mhw_cover PJB_sampleMHWpage1


all images via Pia Jane Bijkerk


She Make a Home

This blog covers the gamut – from yummy recipes to diy projects to uplifting messages. Ashley Pahl is the creator of this creative lifestyle blog and her talent, drive and dedication are felt authentically throughout her posts. Another fellow student from Blog Boss, Ashley is living the dream as mother, blogger and owner of a beautiful handmade stationery store. Find all sorts of artistic inspiration and practical advice on her truly wonderful blog.

paper cut stationery handmade greeting cards

chai latte recipe

all great changes are preceded by chaos quote

all images via She Makes a Home


This is La La Land

Everyone needs a go to blog when you feel like a good laugh. Look no further – check out this one to get an inside peek into Lauren’s life as she tries to make it as an actress in L.A. Lauren is a dear friend, although I am not being biased when I say she is insanely talented. Not only can this girl write, act, model, paint, draw and play music she is straight up FUNNY! Her encounters, adventures and antidotes on life are authentic, in your face and will make you giggle out loud. She writes from the heart so don’t be surprised if you laugh and cry while reading her posts. Her artistic and quirky snapshots illustrate her stories perfectly.




all images via This is La La Land


a creative mint

This blog has also be a long-standing go to for inspiration and eye candy overload. I adore the style of creator, Leslie, and she has been a past co-teacher with Holly on Blogging Your Way. Her sense of color and creative explorations are always enchanting and her photography is simply divine. Go take a look if you haven’t already, Leslie’s blog is a gem and so is she.

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all images via a creative mint


Jeanne Oliver

I have to give a shout out to the amazing Jeanne Oliver and her beautiful blog. Jeanne has been a past teacher of mine, guiding me to create art again with the Creatively Made e-course and helping me to improve my  business with the Building a Creatively Made Business e-course. Her blog is a fantastic place to see behind the scenes of her creations and products, read about her life and personal challenges and just get inspired! Her photography, artwork and writing are authentic and heartwarming plus her vintage, French style is so up my alley!




{p.s. I’m excited to be taking her brand new art course – check it out here.}

all images via Jeanne Oliver


Okay, so I know that was a meaty post but I hope it gives you plenty to peruse over the weekend! Let me know which blogs spoke to you – enjoy!

Have an inspired weekend!




Filed under Art, Blog Boss, Favorite Reads, favorite things, Thoughts