Category Archives: music

Into the Blue…

Hi there friends…okay so this is a rather random post but I was swept up with inspiration this morning when I heard this song by my friend and local singer/songwriter, Naomi LaViolette! I’m totally enamored with it and it has been playing over and over again on my iTunes. I can’t get enough of the lyrics – which she wrote herself, by the way – yeah, I know, seriously talented! I couldn’t help but want to share the beauty of this song’s message…

Here take a listen:

You must read the gorgeous lyrics…

Into the Blue

So many circles you’ve been running
With all your little fires burning
You’re racing to put them out
You’re looking for an escape
Eluded by the peace you crave
Fighting your doubt

Come to the water
Today is a search for you

You see the forest in symmetry
Standing tall, reflecting free
With nothing to prove
Looking down, what will you see
So what if you were like a tree
With nothing to lose

Come to the water
Today is a search for you
Drink of the stillness
Let your eyes fall into the blue

We all approach carefully, removing our disguises
The shore will hold you
All unsure of who we will see, our own surprises
The shore will hold you, hold you

So give into transparency
And let it ripple into clarity
Where circles only dissipate, no it’s not too late

Come to the water
Today is a search for you
Drink of the stillness

Let your eyes fall into the blue
Come to the water
You can now release what is true
Unlock your dreams
It’s all waiting for you in the blue

To me, the words resonate so deeply and beautifully describe our struggle with authenticity – that constant pull in our hearts that wants us to delve deeper into our true selves. Beneath the path we all walk in this life, under the day-to-day tasks, obligations and role-playing, resides our authentic spirit, the quiet voice inside. The one we so rarely listen to. We all yearn to connect, to learn, to grow, to be loved and heard and ultimately to find our place here in this world.  I guess that’s why the “little voice” inside me loves this song so much. It reminds me to honor the quiet moments, to be grateful for all the beauty in my life and to never stop searching for the true me. I hope this wonderful song uplifts your spirit too.

Thank you Naomi, for inspiring me!

Check out Naomi’s site here!


All images can be found here.


Filed under Art, music, photography, Thoughts, Words

Music-scape: Into the Light

I’m sick in bed…lame-o. my faithful laptop sits on top of my layer of quilts, keeping my legs toasty and a steaming cup of tea is keeping me company. what to do? listen to music, dive into blogland and create a post.

i don’t know if you are like me but when I listen to music i often see images in my mind. visions, dreams…pictures. they race around my head. creating a landscape for the lyrics and colors for the notes. a whirlwind of scenes. when I was a kid, i often imagined music videos, sketching them out roughly. i used to write to music a lot too. in sixth grade i wrote an entire (kid sized) novel listening to “A Brand New World” from the Aladdin soundtrack! ha. that’s embarrassing and funny now. but then, i was so serious, so focused.

anyway, today i am completely obsessed with Sara Bareilles‘ song – “The Light“.  so, i decided to make a little music-scape and share some images that i feel connected to the song.

instructions for your Music-Scape…

1. press play. wait 2 secs.

2. start the slide show from the beginning.

3. enjoy

Vodpod videos no longer available.

To explore all the amazing photographers included in this slideshow go here to find all the links.

Have a wonderful weekend.


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Filed under Art, music, photography, Thoughts