Monthly Archives: November 2012

Winter Magic

Hi everyone! How was your Thanksgiving? Hope it was lovely. Our was wonderful and relaxing…a day of cooking, watching football and sipping wine. Such fun! Tomorrow our Christmas lights go up and I’m so excited. There is something so enchanting about all those twinkling lights! I do love this time of year! So when I got the chance to steal Grace away from the crowd for a little photo shoot, I couldn’t resist adding some Winter magic to each shot…

Now, let’s hope we get a little snow this winter, just enough to make everything pretty for a few days.

Do you have snow in your area right now?

Have a lovely weekend!



Filed under Art, family, holiday, photography

Claire bear is 4 months old…

Hello. Today, Clarie and I spent some time taking pictures. She is 4 1/2 months old and I’m attempting to do a portrait of her each month.  This one comes in a tad late but I still wanted to share it with you all. She’s been sitting up more and even trying to hold her own bottle. Her expressions are priceless and that little baby giggle gets me every time!

Have a lovely rest of the week!




Filed under Baby, photography

Remembering Rouen

Hello there. Hope all is well with you. It’s been a long while since I got the chance to sit down and go over my pics from Paris but when my parents were here I got to do just that! Accompanied by a large mug of tea and my kitty cat on my lap, I perused the hundreds of shots from my adventure in France. Oh, Paris…there is such a sweet spot in my heart for you. Reliving those amazing days made me feel so grateful for the experience.

I wanted to share with you some of the images I captured while in the medieval city of Rouen. We caught the train from Paris in the wee hours of the morning and arrived in Rouen at 8 am to shop a flea market on the outskirts of town. After unearthing some fabulously priced French treasures, we wandered back into the city center. To our immense delight, it was absolutely beautiful and charming! A time-warp to another century with stunning architecture and wonderful boutiques and cafes.

This is the majestic Cathedral Notre-Dame, which was under restoration when we were there…such amazing Gothic architecture!

It doesn’t get much more French than this lovely bakery…

As we strolled through the main square, accordion music filled the air…thanks to this lovely lady.  We stopped a moment to listen to her robust voice and added to the euros in her hat.

Rouen is famous for it’s hand painted Faience ceramic ware that dates back to the 1600’s. This is a tradition that is still seen today…can you see the artist in the background painting away?

Here is a shot of the Gros Horlage, an astronomical clock that dates back to the 16th century.

As you can see, Rouen was a magical experience. So different to Paris, with its own history and character!

Okay, so here’s something I love…serendipity! Let me explain – a couple of months ago, I happened by a garage sale in my neighborhood. Nothing looked that interesting but then a small framed print caught my eye…it looked so familiar to me. I bought it for $2.00 and put it fondly on my desk.

I was so drawn to it, obviously it looked French but there was something else. I decided to do a little research and discovered this is in fact an etching from Rouen, depicting one of the very streets I walked down and the Church of St. Ouen in the background! It was like I was meant to have this little piece of art. Now it hangs in our entryway, so I see it everyday and remember Rouen.

Have a beautiful weekend!



Filed under Art, Paris, photography, Stories, Travel, vintage