Tag Archives: photography

Pink blossoms, Spring fever and creativity overload…

Hello lovely readers!

I’ve got Spring Fever! I’m planning and creating like a mad woman and I don’t want to stop. Lol. Even a bad cold isn’t stopping me! I have been in bed for three days but I’m sketching away.


Dreaming of my upcoming retreat to Scotland – (that is Edinburgh Castle). Can’t wait and yes…you can see my sweet kitty companion, Leo has been keeping me company while I rest.

And one more – a moody gal inspired by some vintage fashion photography.


Lucky for me, I have a pretty great view from my cozy bed – the pink blooms of a cherry tree are just starting to pop! One of my favorite things about Spring. They inspired a bit of a Pin-fest and this board emerged…

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Oh and speaking of PINK and gorgeous images, my dear friend Georgianna Lane just published her stunning book! You must get it. If you love Paris and flowers then you will adore this…


To go along with all this flurry of Spring energy, I’m having a BIG SALE on our online classes too! Why not!? It’s the perfect time to encourage growth and creativity, right? I would love to have you in class.

Spring Sale

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Hope you enjoying the first signs of Spring where you are!

Much love and gratitude,




Filed under Art, classes, creativity, flowers, Learning, mixed media, nature, online class, painting, photography, sale, teaching, workshop

Create ART Anywhere!

Hello there creatives,

I’m thrilled to announce that I’m offering instant access to this innovative and FUN class. I adore creating on my iPad BUT I also LOVE making art right on my iPhone. It’s always with me, which means I can make ART anytime, anywhere! Now, I’m excited to share my favorite techniques with you guys.


Whether you love creating portraits, landscapes or even abstracts you can do this ALL on your iPhone using a combination of apps and tools. I’m going to walk you thru the entire process – from creation to printing! Plus, I show you how to manipulate your own photos and share my favorite photo resources.


Come learn more and register now.

ONLY $37 for Lifetime access.


Here are just a few of the pieces I have created on my iPhone! The possibilities are endless!

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I’ll look forward to seeing you in class!




Filed under Art, Art lessons, classes, creativity, Digital Art, Learning, mixed media, mobile art, News, online class, photography, workshop

Instagram Crush – Phillippa Stanton

Hello my lovely readers!

I know it’s been a little while since I’ve shared some yummy art or photography to enjoy but I’m here to make up for it with a delicious sampling of work from the incredibly talented Instagram icon and Synesthetic Artist – Phillippa Stanton.Wondering what a Synesthetic Artist is? Here’s how it is described on her website:

“Being Synesthetic means that Philippa can see sound, taste and smell in shape, colour and texture, allowing her to create unique portraits of people’s voices, food and drink.”

So cool right? I can see this gift reflected in her photography for sure.

Her photography and short videos make my heart pitter patter and I often let out an audible sigh. Her gorgeous shots embody stunning color, interiors of her fairytale cottage (in Brighton, England of course), delightful styling and her adorable siamese kitty. Her images make you want to step inside her world and stay…forever.

You must watch the precious videos she creates. They are magical moments of stillness and beauty.

Like this one…

Ok…I’ll stop gushing. Just enjoy these and go visit her feed on Instagram.







{All images via Phillipa Stanton}

Aren’t they just beautiful? So poetic in the way she arranges each item, each petal and always a steaming cup of tea! She truly shows us how beauty exists all around us. In our belongings, our family table, out our window – we only need to take the time to see it.

Now, go take a minute for yourself. Breath in the beauty in your life. You deserve it.

I hope you enjoyed.

With love and gratitude,



Filed under Art, art to adore, Beauty, creativity, photography, Still life

It’s all in the Palette…

Hello there!

Hope your week is going well! It’s almost Friday and then Halloween! My kids are crazy excited. I’m a little less so – it looks like it will be raining here, so we’ll be flipping a coin for who stays in and doles out candy and who leads the little ones around the neighborhood, umbrellas in tow!

Today, I have a beautiful treat for you. Have you ever wondered what a famous artists’ palette looks like? Well photographer, Matthias Schaller did and he captured these beautiful and historical “portraits” of just that! Such a rare treasure to see these! I’ve paired the images of the palettes with some of the artists’ work so we can witness the connection between palette and painter…

toulous lautrec

JOhn Singer Sargent

vincent van gogh

edgar degas

marc chagall

Isn’t that so fascinating to see? I just love being able to see the same hand on the palette as we do on the canvas. To see the entire exhibit of palettes go here.

Do you ever take pictures of your own palette? They can be quite beautiful!

Enjoy the rest of your week!




Filed under Art, art history, creativity

Mobile Art to Adore and countdown to Paint & Pixels!

Hello lovelies!

How is everyone? Things around here are quieter (the kiddos are back in school) but we are busier than ever – much to my delight! I adore being able to work from home and actually do what I LOVE too! So much gratitude!

You guys know I love to share Art with you and today I have a special treat because both Robin and I have curated some amazing Mobile Art for you to admire! (Just a little side note, in case you are unfamiliar – Mobile Art is Art created exclusively on a mobile device including iPhones, Androids and tablets.)

With our Paint & Pixels Workshop only 5 short days away we couldn’t resist showing you just how gorgeous Mobile Art can be with a collection of 3 of our favorite Mobile Artists!


the nostalgic beauty of Janet Reid’s creations….

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the surreal and atmospheric effects of the talented Bobbi McMurry


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and finally the mysterious delight of Erika C. Brothers‘ images…

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Pretty amazing right?! Seriously, the Mobile Art movement is incredibly exciting and we love being a part of it! We are also super duper lucky to have some of these artists joining us in the Paint & Pixels classroom too! Talk about honored!

Do you ever use your phone or tablet to create? If not…think about checking it out. Remember…I believe everyone is creative…you don’t have to be an “artist” to create and exploring on your mobile devices is a perfect place to experiment and play with photography, art and expression!



P.S. There is still time to join us in the Paint & Pixels workshop…remember registration closes September 21st. Click here to learn more and register.


Filed under Art, Art lessons, art to adore, classes, creativity, mobile art, online class

Camera Craft Giveaway Winner

Hi there! Happy Friday!

Thank you to everyone who entered the Camera Craft Giveaway! It’s going to be a fantastic class and I loved reading your comments!

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I wish I could get you all in for free but alas…I had to draw a winner! I’m so happy to announce that the winner is Serena Berry!

Congrats Serena! I know you will really enjoy this class and get so much from it! Your photography is already incredibly beautiful, so I am excited to see what you create as you emerge from this transformative workshop! Enjoy every minute!

I encourage those who entered to still sign up! You really don’t want to miss this one! Invest in your creativity!

Have a fabulous weekend!

Much love to you all.






Filed under Art, Art friends, Art lessons, classes, creativity, giveaway, Learning, teaching, workshop