Category Archives: Words

Poetry & Paint

Hello there and Happy Friday!

Goodness! It’s been so crazy around here! My ArtWorthy retreat is in just under two weeks, I’m in production on my new class , I spruced up the blog (it needed it) and well…I just got back from Mexico! I can’t complain though because – truly it’s all GOOD. Good crazy is just fine…right? I can deal with good crazy. ;)

I will be sharing pics from Mexico soon but I wanted to share some new work that I completed recently. These paintings kinda came of the blue for me…along with the words that followed. It always surprises and astounds me how much of our subconscious can emerge when creating art.

What Remains

What Remains, 2016 Mixed media on canvas 20″ x 24″

This piece was inspired by the photography of Errikos Andreou. I just loved the pose. It spoke volumes to me. I used a mixture of charcoal, liquid pencil, acrylic paint and gesso to create this.

While trying to name this piece a poem came to me…

I hold the strands of my life.
Ribbons of light, bone, blood.
The tide has come in.
Washed it all
I am left with
what remains.

It was both thrilling and a tad alarming to have these words spill from my pen onto the page. I am still slightly  unsure where these emotions came from…

Immediately after that one I created this piece –


Tethered, 2016 Mixed media on canvas 24″ x 24″

Again words accompanied the painting…

Clinging to the shore
a tether to my heart.
At once,
I am engulfed
beneath the waters.

A third piece is in the works. I feel like a series has begun here for me – a new and exciting adventure.

Have you had poetry emerge with your art? I would love to hear about your experiences.

Have a beautiful and creative Saturday.




Filed under Art, creativity, intuitive painting, Love, mixed media, News, painting, Thoughts, Words




Hello there. I hope all is well in your world. Right now, mine is a little messy. Literally and figuratively. I just finished the Brené Brown course and absolutely loved it. It has truly been life changing and has been stirring up all sorts of emotions. Old energy is shedding but self-doubt has been trying to rain on my parade…as usual.

With all the flux, I’ve been cleaning out areas of my home that no longer serve me. One of those neglected areas was my laundry room cabinets. They were stocked with all my supplies for creating skin care products… (my obsession 3 years ago). As I gathered up the countless little vials of essential oils, dried herbs and tubs of concoctions, I found myself crying. I stopped for a minute to check in with my mind and see what all the fuss was about.

Ahh…I was berating myself. For failing. For being flaky. For investing all this money and time into something I gave up on. For being stupid. Unfocused. Confused. Wasteful. ugh. Brené referres to these moments as “shame storms”. This was a category 3.

Then I remembered the last week of the Brené lessons – letting go of certainty. I was reminded that it’s okay to wander, get lost and not know which way to turn. Even in those moments we are whole. I had not failed. I had just wandered. I had needed to do that, at that time and it has led me to where I am today. So what if Grace & Ivy began as a skin care hobby!? It ended up launching my blog, helping me rediscover my love of writing, leading me to a new passion for vintage and ultimately, reunited me with my first, true love – ART.

Was it a linear, logical journey? Nope…but that’s not really how I roll anyway. Is it over? Have I got it all figured out? Hell no! But that’s okay.

So, please, let me remind you dear friends, that if you are feeling a bit lost or are wandering. Fear not. Know that it is part of your own journey. We are not supposed to have all the answers. Life doesn’t come with a compass or a map. Use your heart as your guide and believe that even in your most vulnerable place – you are right where you need to be. Trust yourself and never compare your path to someone else’s. Like a snowflake, each one is unique.



Sending you all love.




Filed under Learning, Stories, Thoughts, Words

Art Journaling : Brené Brown Class

Hi there! How’s life? Things have been going well here and I’ve been diligently working on my Brené Brown art journal homework from the Oprah life class. Following along with the book has been truly life changing. The messages within have been resonating deeply with me as I become aware of my own issues with perfection, shame and self-worth – pretty heavy, I know. BUT so inspiring and refreshing at the same time!

I’ve had several “ah-ha” moments that made me smile while other pages brought on the tears. One huge epiphany I experienced, was when I realized the cause of my recent creativity block. It wasn’t because my creative juices ran dry or I ran out of inspiration…it was because I was focusing on attaining approval rather than just being authentic. I wasn’t creating for me. I was creating for others and seeking praise. All of sudden, the likes on Facebook didn’t make me feel good anymore, the hearts on Instagram didn’t mean anything. I felt numb. So I stopped making art. Joy was replaced with doubt.  Understanding why this happened has brought me great clarity.

Working in my very first art journal has renewed my creativity and given me the chance to further digest the information in the book. I had promised to share some of the pages with you…so here they are…

I thought that the first assignment was very appropriate. That scary first white page was dedicated to giving yourself permission.

art journal2

Next, we had to take pictures of ourselves with our “Pledge” written on our hand – “I’m imperfect and I’m ENOUGH!” Love that.



The class went on to explore the word – COURAGE and it’s original meaning: to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart. Then we listed the people in our lives that we trust and share our story with. We placed this list in the center of our heart. I wrote the word “Thank You” on my list to remind myself to be eternally grateful to these special people.


Then we were assigned to find a photo that captures our “true self” and write about who we see, what makes this person light up and how we need to treat her. Loved how this exercise made me feel.


This last collage kinda just happened…the inside of the journal cover needed some art! :)

art journal1

As I mentioned, I’ve never art journaled before and I’m really loving it! I’m getting a little braver with my materials and exploring new ways to blend words and images.

Have you ever kept an art journal? If you do, I would love to hear how you like to use it.

Hope your week is full of inspiration.




Filed under Art, Books, collage, creativity, Favorite Reads, Learning, mixed media, painting, Thoughts, Words

Finding Inspiration.



Hello. I’m afraid its happened. I’ve become stuck. Damn it. One moment I’m a wellspring of creativity and the next I’m dry as a desert. Is it the weather? No. Maybe I’m not sleeping enough? Hmm.

You know what it is?

It’s doubt.


Lack of confidence.

Sometimes it comes out of nowhere and runs me over like a hijacked bus. Bad part is…I’m the driver.

I know it is normal. It’s human. But it’s so frustrating. It makes my heart feel heavy.

A friend recently questioned me, wondering what I would do after I finished painting pretty faces. She didn’t mean anything by it…just curious about my artistic path but now I can’t get it out of my head. Is my art phony? Shallow? Is it inauthentic? Maybe I’ve been influenced by too many people. Maybe it is coming across as forced. Maybe I should just stop doing it.

My creative spirit comes to screeching halt. Stuck on the side of a busy street with negativity whizzing by. Unable to cross. To progress.

I need to find inspiration. I need to get off my butt and get with the program and beat these thoughts. So I spent some time (while devouring a bar of chocolate)  gathering some links that offer great ideas to do just that!

* Check out these great lists that prompt ideas, spark thoughts and get your out of the rut.

* A practical and simplistic guide to inspiration.

* A wonderland of inspiring Pinterest quotes

* Check out this fabulous site dedicated to inspiration!

Ok, wish me luck! If you are dealing with your own creative slump I hope this helps! Also, I would love to hear how you seek inspiration.




Filed under Art, creativity, Thoughts, Words

Into the Blue…

Hi there friends…okay so this is a rather random post but I was swept up with inspiration this morning when I heard this song by my friend and local singer/songwriter, Naomi LaViolette! I’m totally enamored with it and it has been playing over and over again on my iTunes. I can’t get enough of the lyrics – which she wrote herself, by the way – yeah, I know, seriously talented! I couldn’t help but want to share the beauty of this song’s message…

Here take a listen:

You must read the gorgeous lyrics…

Into the Blue

So many circles you’ve been running
With all your little fires burning
You’re racing to put them out
You’re looking for an escape
Eluded by the peace you crave
Fighting your doubt

Come to the water
Today is a search for you

You see the forest in symmetry
Standing tall, reflecting free
With nothing to prove
Looking down, what will you see
So what if you were like a tree
With nothing to lose

Come to the water
Today is a search for you
Drink of the stillness
Let your eyes fall into the blue

We all approach carefully, removing our disguises
The shore will hold you
All unsure of who we will see, our own surprises
The shore will hold you, hold you

So give into transparency
And let it ripple into clarity
Where circles only dissipate, no it’s not too late

Come to the water
Today is a search for you
Drink of the stillness

Let your eyes fall into the blue
Come to the water
You can now release what is true
Unlock your dreams
It’s all waiting for you in the blue

To me, the words resonate so deeply and beautifully describe our struggle with authenticity – that constant pull in our hearts that wants us to delve deeper into our true selves. Beneath the path we all walk in this life, under the day-to-day tasks, obligations and role-playing, resides our authentic spirit, the quiet voice inside. The one we so rarely listen to. We all yearn to connect, to learn, to grow, to be loved and heard and ultimately to find our place here in this world.  I guess that’s why the “little voice” inside me loves this song so much. It reminds me to honor the quiet moments, to be grateful for all the beauty in my life and to never stop searching for the true me. I hope this wonderful song uplifts your spirit too.

Thank you Naomi, for inspiring me!

Check out Naomi’s site here!


All images can be found here.


Filed under Art, music, photography, Thoughts, Words

A litte gift for you..

Hello! I just wanted to do a quick post and give you a little gift. I created this print for Claire’s nursery and I thought you might like it. I have attached it below as a PDF so go ahead and download it if you like, print it out, pop it into a fabulous vintage frame and voila, you’ve got a fun piece of graphic art…

Download PDF here.

We are off to the coast for Mother’s Day weekend and the weather forecast is actually good! Can’t wait to get away and relax with my little family. Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mamas out there! Make sure you get some pampering!



Filed under Art, Digital Art, holiday, Paris, Stories, vintage, Words