Art to Adore: Amy Judd

Hi lovelies!

How has your weekend been? Our has been jam packed with a lovely birthday party, a heavenly Sunday brunch out with the family and lots of hanging with friends! The gorgeous Fall weather continues too! What a treat!

You may have noticed that I’ve gone a little nuts over birds lately! They have always been one of my favorite animals so when I recently discovered the work of Amy Judd – I was stopped in my tracks! Her work is truly a thing of sublime beauty, feminine grace and subtle mystery….enjoy.

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Exquisite right? Yes…I think so too.

Have a wonderful week!



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10 responses to “Art to Adore: Amy Judd

  1. PDXpersky

    These are so intriguing…To me, they seem to be subtly playing with boundaries between human and avian. I love the owls especially. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Cathy Garrett

    These are beautiful! Love them!

  3. Stunning work! I would love to be so talented…

  4. janlc

    thank you for sharing this artists work with us. My mouth is still hanging open!

  5. These paintings are extremely a ordinarily beautiful. I love the serenity and ethereal quality they possess and they are also engaging because there’s an inherent mystery to them. Wonderful.

  6. Wonderfull … marvelous~ hmm..,.. 😇

  7. These are so lovely and they speak to my heart as I love birds! I love the relationship between the birds and the human figures in her art.

I would love to hear from you! What are your thoughts?