Tag Archives: art retreat

Vulnerability + love = JOY

Hello lovely blog readers,

I hope your week is going well. I have been down with a bad cold but I’m on the mend. All that time in bed, let me truly reflect on all that has happened in the past month.

Many of you know, I had an Art Retreat on Bainbridge Island about four weeks ago – the Intuitive Muse Retreat.


goodie bags for the students

Where we focused on trusting our creative instincts and quieting the critical mind. We set intentions, journaled and made A LOT of Art! It was an amazing experience and a great honor to teach on this magical island – a place I had been two times prior but as a student! The women that joined me were incredible souls, all beautifully open and excited to delve into learning more.  (Little did I know, just how much I would learn along the way.)

So let me share with you a little about the journey…

Robin and I were lucky enough to stay in a sweet spot just a few steps away from the farm. It was the perfect place to center myself for the teaching that lay ahead and with a view of Seattle like this…well…it was beyond gorgeous and did much to soothe my anxious mind.



The days leading up to the retreat were spent drinking tea and practicing my lessons with Robin. She was so kind and patient, listening to me go over things a thousand times! LOL.


That’s the funny thing about what I do – it kind of terrifies me! I actually get very nervous when having to speak in front of a crowd. Online, in front of the camera, it is somehow easier but sitting in a room with a many sets of eyes on me – oh boy – it makes my hands shake and my nose sweat. (Yes, my nose sweats when I’m nervous, it’s very attractive – I assure you.) 😜

I knew that the hardest part would be the first night. The introductions. The part where I have to talk about myself.  I knew that if I could make connections, I would soon relax. I wanted to get to THAT place as quickly as possible but as time would have it, I needed to experience each stage as it came. There was no fast forward button on this gig.

That first night, we gathered at the ranch house for the welcome dinner.  I was greeted with beautiful, warm hugs and even a few excited tears. It humbles me each and every time I meet a student “in real life”. The connection I feel for them and them to me is a true thing. What a gift to receive. It amazes me to this day, how powerful the internet is and how very real the connections can be. Invisible heart strings that somehow manage to go through the computer screen. Magic indeed.

When it came time to sit in a circle and do our introductions, the ladies did the rounds first and I listened intently,  shaky hands folded in my lap. Each woman lit a single candle to represent her presence and placed it gingerly on a beautiful old artist’s palette – a treasure from Serena’s family. It was a sacred thing to behold.


image by Serena Berry

I was stunned at the similarities of our stories. Before me, was a group of 10 women from all different backgrounds, all different ages and family situations but the common thread was apparent. We were all seekers. We had lived a life seeking out our creativity, searching for our joy and the connection to our soul. We had all jumped through careers, or passions – each coming in with force and usually fizzling out until we followed the next pull. The next insatiable curiosity. Photography, crafts, scrapbooking, cooking, gardening and even creating skin creams! We had all jumped through multiple phases on our journey towards Art. The fact is, Art is seeking. It becomes the vehicle of expression to discover the deeper layers, the hidden parts, the shadowy darkness and the shining light we all carry within us. So, while on the outside we had our differences, really, we were of one mind. One heart, hungry for more.

This helped ease me a bit as I felt the circle close. The bonds forming already – in a matter of minutes! But, my hands and slightly glistening nose gave away my nerves as I began to share myself with the group. I hoped they wouldn’t notice but I know they did. I hoped it wouldn’t matter or make me look unprofessional. I hoped, with all my heart, that I would be accepted. And there it was – Ahh – hello VULNERABILITY!


This is where I was. Where I had to be. Exposed and vulnerable, yet doing what I wanted to do so very badly. Connecting and guiding and teaching. So with a deep breath, I accepted the uncomfortableness of it and just spoke my truth, trembling hands and all. I don’t know everything that I said but I knew when I had finished that I was safe. These women made me feel so and I was grateful.

The rest of the blissful days glided by full of hard work and wonderful art! The women battled it out with their inner critics, we laughed and shared stories and helped each other solve problems in our compositions. I was at ease, in my role, soaking up the precious time I got to spend with each student. Carefully listening and helping to guide them through projects they could enjoy and learn from.


They created pieces that pushed them out of their comfort zones, slipping into the unknown, the fear – where the good stuff starts to emerge. Where the left brain retreats and our intuition begins to lead us. The sweet spot. The flow state. I could tell from the class when people were going through it, they worked intently in silence, not pausing to judge or worry. Just moving. Creating. It is one of the most joyous things to witness as a teacher.



Art time was interspersed with walks among the mystical places on the island,  like the Labyrinth where we silently followed the stones that wound us gradually to the center. And we all enjoyed the special Buddhist Bell that rings out after you have spun it just enough times while focusing on your truest wish and intention.



Looking back on this magical weekend, I am so filled with gratitude for the opportunity. The chance to not only encourage others to trust themselves but a chance to step into my truest self as well. Each time I teach in person, I feel myself grow. Each time it gets less scary and every time I walk away knowing that this is what I am meant to do. It is where my JOY lives. If it means I have to push up against the vulnerability then so be it – I’m up for the challenge! 😉


A big thank you to our warm and gracious hostess, Serena Berry, who was nothing short of perfect – spoiling us with delicious food and ensuring everyone was comfortable. You made the retreat truly lovely and relaxing for our guests and for me too!

Thank you to the amazing women who attended! You each taught me something and inspired me with your open hearts and creative spirit. It was such a joy and honor to spend the weekend with you! I’ll cherish the memories of this special time, always.


Much love to you all!








Filed under Art friends, art retreat, creativity, Learning, Love, mixed media, nature, News, Student Work, teaching, Thoughts, Travel, workshop

FREE Mixed Media & Encaustic Tutorial

Hi there beautiful creatives!

Yah it’s the weekend! Hope you have lovely things planned!

I have a special treat for you today – to celebrate my upcoming Italian Art Retreat, I’ve created this special, free tutorial video just for you!


This wonderful landscape was a delight to create! Luminous layers of wax with luscious oil paint and collage = bliss! Plus, with the Italian countryside as your muse – you can’t go wrong!



Here’s a little preview of the tutorial…

To get access to the FULL tutorial click the button below.



You are going to love exploring these mixed media & encaustic techniques! I can’t wait to see what you create!





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Filed under Art, Art lessons, classes, collage, creativity, encaustic, free lesson, Learning, mixed media, online class, painting, teaching, tutorial, videos

Come create with me in Italy!

Hello there creative friends!

Hope you are are all doing well! Summer has been lovely and busy for us in the Newport house. Our routine is speckled with kids camps, day trips and relaxing afternoons in the garden. In the midst of all this, I manage to find time to film my latest class and work on some paintings too!

The biggest excitement of the summer (for me) is that my latest international art retreat is now open for registration! I’m so honored and grateful that I’ve been asked to teach in beautiful Orvieto, Italy in September, 2017 by Adventures in Italy! The husband and wife team running this fantastic trip are Bill & Kristin Steiner and they are an absolute delight to work with!


register now buttom

This artistic retreat will include life/figure drawing, portrait studies, encaustics, collage and mixed media painting! Along with all the yummy art we will be making, organized tours and cultural experiences are planned to create a well rounded and life changing adventure for all! Check out just how beautiful Orvieto is…

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To read all about it go here!

I would love to have you come to Italy with me!!

Have a beautiful rest of your week!




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Filed under Art, art retreat, Learning, mixed media, News, Travel, workshop

ArtWorthy LOVE!

Hello lovely readers!

Happy Friday! I have been knee deep in production for my new workshop and I’m still reeling from my extraordinary experience a last weekend!

Many of you know, that I recently hosted my Art & Healing Retreat – ArtWorthy with my dear friend Trina Lee.

Art worth collage 3

We poured our love into designing this retreat to ensure a special, luxurious and heartfelt experience and it was well worth it! In fact, this retreat completely blew me away! I will be forever moved by the love I felt from each beautiful soul in attendance!


From the location to the food, to the art making, to the remarkable healing – every minute was filled with magic and LOVE!

It was so incredibly rewarding to see the relationship between EFT and Art and how, by accessing our inner critic and inner guide (thru EFT, meditation and visualization) we could then move straight to productive and cathartic expression through Art!


 Trina leads an EFT session.


Trina and I had personally witnessed this connection but to then see it realized by a group was simply astounding!

We also began to observe how universal our inner critic is and how its message is rather unoriginal. Each woman was being held back by that critical voice but by actualizing it on paper it lost much of its power! This observation and practice brought all the women closer and truly created a safe and sacred space for healing and creation.

With the inner critic put in its place we could move on to celebrating and creating with the authentic self or inner guide! What joy flooded the room as we were able to embrace this all-knowing and all-loving aspect of ourselves. Soulful, beautiful artwork emerged and tears of joy and relief flowed.


We hit the Art Room for some powerful creative sessions!


I will be changed forever by each of the women that joined us for this groundbreaking weekend.

I wish to send out my deepest gratitude to them all for coming on this journey with us. I also want to thank my amazing friend Trina for all that she did to help my dream become a reality! I can’t wait for the next one!!

If you are interested in attending ArtWorthy in 2017 please click below to add your name to the list. You will be the first to hear about all future plans!

Screen Shot 2016-03-30 at 4.01.39 PM

Much love to you all!






Filed under Art, Art friends, art retreat, creativity, Learning, Love, mixed media, teaching, workshop

ArtWorthy 2016 – behind the scenes!

Hi there! How are you doing?

I am feeling quite refreshed, since I just got the lovely opportunity to get away for a few days with my dear friend, Trina Lee! We stepped away from our sweet families to work on our program for our sold out, upcoming art and healing retreat –  ArtWorthy 2016!

Art worth collage 3.jpg


It was a completely inspiring experience and I got to learn more about what it is to be an art teacher and creative guide! Not only did we wallpaper the  place with post-it notes as we organized our thoughts but we also worked through stubborn, creative and emotional blocks that we each were holding.

post its

Utilizing both Trina’s expertise with EFT and my creative mojo, we managed to not only honestly face our Inner Critic but we also encountered our own creative intuition. By allowing the two to co-exist through the act of creating art, we moved swiftly through the fear and self-doubt and found ourselves happily immersed in the moment.

Trina emerged with beautiful, sweet owls…her spirit animal for sure! (She even got up early one morning and added that baby owl while I was still sleeping!!) This from the girl who says – “I don’t paint!” ;)

trina owls.jpg

Some really fun and interesting art came out of this trip for me too! I got to capture my creepy inner critic…yeah…don’t ask…let’s just say that she’s a royal pain in the a** and she stems from crippling experiences in my childhood. We all have a bit of her in us…even if we don’t want to say so. She sounds like this for me “What are you doing?” “You know you are going to fail right?” “You are not strong enough to do that!” “Wow…you are really stupid!” ugh…yeah…

inner critic.jpg

However, after getting out that icky stuff, these loving spirit horses visited me and I painted them quickly and passionately with a feeling of unconditional self love – something I rarely (if ever) experience. It rocked me to my core! Primitive as they may be, they came from a place deep inside that lovingly accepts every single cell of who I am. Wowsers…what was going on? Meanwhile, Trina was bouncing around painting with joy! Some serious ArtWorthy magic was happening! spirit horses

Finally we tackled a quick, expressive and intuitive self-portrait that was aimed to reflect our essence and worthiness over realism. A reflection of ourselves without limiting beliefs! So yeah – I’m looking pretty happy, relaxed and uber confident with my birds and feathers. ;)


Can you tell I only brought 5 paint colors!!? HA! I didn’t think we were actually going to paint!

All in all, I was completely blown away by our experience planning for ArtWorthy. It was work- sure – but it gave back to us two-fold. Now, feeling more prepared and even more inspired, I can’t wait to share the lessons, meditations, EFT sessions and more with our amazing ArtWorthy guests. Feeling so filled with gratitude!

Much love to you all!



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Filed under Art, Art friends, art retreat, creativity, intuitive painting, Learning, Love, painting, Stories, teaching

WINNER of the ArtWorthy Giveaway

Happy Friday everyone!!

Just wanted to pop in and announce that the winner for the ArtWorthy 2016 giveaway is:

Karen Goetz!

Congrats Karen! I will be in touch with you so we can get that bundle of goodies sent to you!

artworthy giveaway

Also, wanted to remind you that there are ONLY 3 more days for the early bird registration price for the ArtWorthy Retreat! A savings of $100!

Plus, check out this beautiful new promo video we made for you guys! We are beyond excited and we only have 5 more spots left!

Don’t miss out on this amazing, healing and creativity filled journey!

Have a gorgeous weekend!




Filed under Art, Art friends, art retreat, creativity, giveaway, Learning, Love, mixed media, teaching, Travel, videos, workshop